Monday, November 11, 2013

Been Sick

I have been sick for a few days.  I will be back to blogging in the next couple of days.  I don't know what kind of bug I got, but I have been sleeping a lot, upset stomach, and everything that goes with it.  I am sorry for not posting regularly.

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Day 176

First let me start by apologizing for missing yesterday.  I simply let time slip by and forgot.

As for Day 176:
Breakfast: Two egg scramble, red onion, green pepper, mushrooms, short spray of olive oil.
Mid Morning: Raw Organic Almonds
Lunch: Medium salad with romaine, red onion, green pepper, mushrooms, carrot, spinach, variety of spices, long spray of olive oil, and red wine vinegar.
Afternoon: Microwaved "baked" potato.
Dinner: Half a chicken breast (more than enough) and lots of steamed broccoli, cauliflower, and carrots.
Late Night: Raw Organic Almonds.

Day 176 workout: Red Hot Core and a 3 mile walk.  It was an "active recovery" day.

The 100% clean eating is getting easier, except that Halloween candy is a big weakness of mine.  Only a couple more days and I will be home free.

As Day 180 approaches I can help but to think about how far I have come in such a short amount of time.  I am very excited to do the Day 180 weigh in and pictures.  I am even more excited about the update video!!!!!

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Day 174 on Heavy Hippie's Road to Fitness

Breakfast: Two egg scramble (I am no longer going to list what I put in them, they are the same daily).
Morning Snack: A handful of Raw Almonds.
Lunch: Standard salad and potato
Afternoon Snack: A little more than a handful of Raw Almonds.
Dinner: A slow cooked whole chicken with carrots, celery, and onion.  I eat lots of the veggies and a little of the chicken.
Late Snack: Home roasted peanuts.
I eat a little too much today.  But it was all GF, DF, and nonGMo.  So my promise is still intact, but I will have to be extra careful tomorrow and the next day.
Workout was Energy followed by Red Hot Core.  It is the first day of the last week of the advanced schedule for DDPYoga.  I agreed to do it with another TeamDDPYoga member.  Double Black Diamond tomorrow, I have not done that for about 90 days.  It will be interesting!!!

Until next blog, PEACE!!!!

Monday, October 28, 2013

Sunday ("Rest Day")

Breakfast: Two egg scramble with lots of onions and some spinach.
Lunch: My standard medium salad followed by my standard baked potato.
Dinner: "Wholefoods" Hot Bar.  I had a sweet potato and kale soup.  It had celery, onions, radish, and a couple of other veggies that I can't remember off the top of my head.

I decided to do Fat Burner and a 3 1/4 mile run.  Run time was long, but it was my first run in a week.
Until my next post, PEACE!!!!

Sunday, October 27, 2013

day 172 on Heavy Hippie's Road to Fitness (Jesse's Second Race).

This Blog contains multiple videos. Take a second and pause them before you start.
I will start with saying my diet today was good and bad.  You will understand as I get into it.  Still 100% Gluten Free, Dairy Free, and non-GMO!!!

Breakfast:  One Winesap apple. (yes, that is it, and yes I know that is not enough!!!)
After breakfast we are off to Jesse's second race, the Call Federal Richmond Marathon, Jr.  This was an OUTSTANDING event.  Jesse ran a great race, one half mile long.  He finished in 5 minutes and 5 seconds.  He was in the top half of his age division.  After the race it was announced that Jesse had won 2nd place in the costume contest!!!!!

Can you believe that he was the only Flash at a costume race???
From there we came home to prepare for the next event. Rumor was Zombies would be invading Carytown.
I did the Level One DDPYoga workout. Then jumped in the shower.
Lunch: A microwaved "baked" potato.  (yes that is it, and yes I know that is not enough!!!)

We ran out of the door and off to Carytown.  As we approached Carytown we started looking for parking spots because parking there is HORRIBLE.  We immediately find a spot only one block from Cary St.  Odd.   We park and start to walk up the street.  And then we realize....we are over a mile away from Carytown, now the parking makes much more sense.  We talk it over and decide to walk it.  Why not?  BUT we know Jesse isn't up for it so I decide to carry him on my shoulders.  Jesse ways 62 pounds.  I walked the whole way with him.  I lost my breath a couple of time but nothing like just me alone walking with Brook (she is a super speed walker) back when I was MUCH heavier.  We arrive at Carytown and Jesse gets off my shoulders.  I find that the only thing hurting is my shoulders.  Oh well, a free shoulder workout.
As we are walking around Carytown Jesse (still as Flash) decides he wants to trick-or-treat.  All of the merchants are doing it so we let him.  As the candy fills the bag I am DYING to have some.  Luckily (or not), "For the Love of Chocolate" is right up the block.  We go in and ask if they have anything GF, DF, and nonGMO.  AND THEY DO!!!! A chocolate and seasalt bar.

Small Snack: Three squares of a Chocolate and Seasalt bar.

Now, it's time for the zombie invasion!!!

After we are finsihed "fighting" our way through the Zombies we walk the over a mile back the car, and drive back to Ellwood Thompson's market for a:
Second Lunch: A "Green Supreme" Juice.  It has Kale, Swiss Chard, Celery, Ginger, Apple, and Lemon.  WOW.  It tasted...good, but could have had less lemon.  But the energy I got from it was AMAZING!!!!

After that we head home for so much needed down time. We all do our own thing for a few hours (I gamed).
Dinner: Amy's Kitchen brand Gluten Free Dairy Free non-GMO pizza.  It was good.  A little too good.  I probably eat too much of it, but I didn't feel stuffed or bloated afterward like if it was standard pizza.

After dinner, Jesse said he wanted to go to an Arcade.  After much deliberation we were off!!!! We have coupons!!! When we arrive at Swaders (, Jesse has Brook play Dance Revolution.  I had video, but it has mysteriously disappeared.   But we are not here to play video games.  We are here to win tickets.  Lots of tickets.  We play some games and have little luck winning a lot of tickets.  UNTIL Jesse finds a pirate wheel of fortune.  And he hits the JACKPOT.  1000 tickets.  He trades it in for a Minion stuff animal.  Now it is off to the go-karts.  Brook and Jesse vs.  Me.  It is a tight race and we have the track all to ourselves.  Jesse and Brook edge out the win in the last turn.  Now it is back to the house.  To our surprise Jesse is still wide awake (10pm).  But once we get home he crashes hard.  Brook and I end the day watching television.
Late Night Snack: GF/DF/nonGMO Chocolate bar with some all natural peanut butter (yes I know, I was bad)

Day 3 of 100% Clean Eating, A Trip to the Grocery Store

Breakfast: My normal two egg scramble, this one had red onions, mushrooms, and spinach.
Lunch:  A medium size salad with Romaine, red onions, spinach.  Some spices, a long spray of olive oil, and a splash of garlic basil vinegar.
Dinner: I was at the local Organic Market. I eat off of their hot bar.  All gluten free, Dairy free, and nonGMO.

The shopping experience at Elwood Thompson's in Carytown was AMAZING.
All of their produce is local (within 100 miles), and MOST is organic.  We picked up lettuce, celery, and a few other produces.  BUT here comes the really fun part.  We made our own peanut butter and almond butter.  It was 100% organic peanuts/almonds and the machine grinds them down into a butter.  No fillers or sugar added.
They had TONS and TONS of GF/DF/nonGMO snacks.  Everything you could think of.  I don't recommend the sea weed snacks but everything else was OUTSTANDING.  We seemed to be have been  drawn to the Enjoy Life brand.  All of their snacks are great so far.  Brook tried one of their "picnic packs" and she will be picking up more of those to take to work for her lunch.

Evening Snack: We enjoyed, probably a little too much, some 100% Gluten Free non-GMO corn chips.

All in all we will be going back to that store again and again!!!

Until next time, PEACE!!!!


Friday, October 25, 2013

Day two in the books (Day 172 on Heavy Hippie's Road to Fitness)

Day two of eating clean was MUCH easier than Day One!

Breakfast: ONE EGG scramble with red onion, green pepper, mushrooms, and spinach, with a short spray of  olive oil.  (Only one egg because I forgot to put eggs on the shopping list.
Lunch: Medium sized salad with Romaine, spinach, green pepper, red onion, mushrooms, a variety of spices, and a long spray of olive oil and a splash of red wine Vinegar.  Then a microwaved potato about an hour later.
Dinner: Bison burgers with no filler, oven roasted asparagus.  Desert was So Delicious brand Almond Cream Sandwich (a Gluten Free, Dairy Free, nonGMO ice cream sandwich alternative).

My workout was OUTSTANDING.  I did the Level One DDPYoga workout.  It is 54 minutes long.  I spent 38 minutes in my Fat Burning Zone!!! I am pleased with the results.
Until tomorrow, PEACE!!!!

Thursday, October 24, 2013

First "clean eating" Day report

As I said I must be held accountable for my diet and no better way than to publicly blog what I eat, so here we go:
    Two egg scramble with onions, green peppers, mushrooms.  A short spray of                 olive oil.  That's it.
     A medium sized salad with spring mix, baby spinach, green peppers, onions, mushrooms, one carrot, a small amount of spices, a long spray of olive oil, and a splash of red wine vinegar. Then about an hour later I had a potato that I lightly coated in olive oil, then sprinkled with a small about of sea salt, and I microwaved it.
     A small amount of chicken, and a large amount steamed cauliflower and broccoli.
    Our snack for this night was Kale Chips with Old Bay seasoning.  The Kale Chips will come back, the Old Bay will not.  TOO spicy.

All products were organic or non-GMO certified.

Yesterday I took a "rest day" but it was the first rest day that was not converted into a "cheat day".  So that is a little victory in it's self.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

A phone call from DDP, and a possible cure for Psoriasis?

As I alluded to in my last post I received a phone call this morning.  It was from Diamond Dallas Page.  Most of who read this will know right away how that is.  A few will not so let me clear that up right off the bat.
Diamond Dallas Page was a professional wrestler in the 1990's.  At one point he was dropped during a routine move but landed wrong.  It fractured his spine.  He was told he would never wrestle again.  While rehabbing his injury his lady talked him into doing some yoga.  As with nearly all man he was VERY resistant.  But he did cave into his lady's request (and what man among us wouldn't????)  What he found was that yoga is AWESOME.  But who likes all of that inner peace, namaste crap.  DDP certainly did not.  So he decided to tweak it a bit.  He added calisthenics, some rehabilitation exercises, and traditional yoga poses (we call them positions).  And that became Yoga for Regular Guys (YRG).  YRG was then tweaked and rebranded DDPYoga.
So, while I was talking with DDP he asks about my nutrition.  I told him that when I am good I am great, but I have bad days, where I am VERY bad.  He told me that he thinks if I eat clean for three weeks my psoriasis will clear up.  At first I hesitated, simply because I have tried every trick I have ever hard to clear up my scales, none have worked.  BUT; until DDPYoga I had not found an exercise program that worked for me either.  So I have decided to give this a try.  I mean, really, what could eating clean hurt?  And I like that I now have DDP to answer to if I fail in this (I WILL NOT FAIL).
Also today I ROCKED  my DDPYoga workout.  Like no other before.  It was a combination of having done a light workout yesterday and the phone call this morning.
For the next three weeks I will do my very best to log everything I eat and post it in a nightly blog.  I am also going to take pictures of my shins now and in three weeks.  Let's see what happens!!!!!

Busy Busy Busy

Man I have been busy busy busy. I  just wanted everyone to know that I am doing well.  I have lost all the weight I put back on plus a couple of extra pounds.  I got a phone call this morning from a special person.  I will be posting a video about the call as well as my plan for the next three weeks late tonight or tomorrow.

Friday, October 18, 2013

Good and Bad

So I slipped a little last night.  Nothing major but I need to be accountable.  After we got home from the "Fitness Night" at Jesse's school I was still VERY hungry.  We have no snacks in the house except for Jesse's.  So I eat some Gold Fish (the crackers).  Maybe about two servings. Actually I just looked it up and I probably only eat one serving.
So to move on to the good:
Today I have done great.  I had my two egg scramble earlier.  I just finished my DDPYoga Level One workout and OWNED IT.  Even the Bow and Arrow, which I had not been able to do until today.  I will also be going on a run shortly.  I am not sure how long of a run, but a run just the same.
So for now, eat right and exercise and HAVE FUN!!!!!

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Two days into my reboot and all is well!!!!

I just wanted to say that all is well.  I have eaten right for nearly two whole days now.  I did Fat Burner today.  25 minutes of sweat. I had my usual two egg scramble for breakfast, and a salad and potato for lunch.  I had another potato for dinner, but didn't have anything else because we are going to Jesse's Kindergarten "Fitness Night" and they are suppose to have "healthy" snacks, so I want to try some of those.  If they turn out to be bad or not very filling I will eat some veggies when I get home!!!!
That's it for today.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

We all fall down. But do I do it more than others?

So I have not been eating well.
Today I decided enough was enough and stepped on the scale.
I AM UP NINE POUNDS in 12 days.
I have been here before, but how do I get here?  Well lets start with one simple truth:  I AM A FOOD ADDICT!!!!!
I know what junk food does to me.  It makes me feel like absolute shit (sorry for the harsh language).  Yet, for some reason I get drawn back to it.  This time it was my arch nemesis, the dreaded Bacon Cheeseburger.  And onto that the fact that Halloween candy is now on the shelves, and you have a dangerous combination for this food addict.
I thought I had been doing well so I allowed myself a cheat meal, which turned into a cheat day, which turned into a cheat week.  Here I am 12 days after my Day 150 weigh in with nine MORE pounds.
So how do I fix it?
I know the answer.  Eat right and exercise.  no more "cheat" meals, days, weeks, or months.  But there is a more important question, and I leave it to you guys to answer:
How do I hold myself to it? This seems to be the trick to getting and staying fit.  I seem to have lost my compass for this journey.  I need to get back on track.

Today, after I weighed, I ate a healthy breakfast.  I then did a 54 minute DDPYoga workout. I also plan to go to the track for a run later today.  After that I will record a video about this bump on my road to fitness.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Sorry for the neglect

I am sorry I let this page go so long without updates.  I will change that.  Not sure if daily, but I will be updating MUCH MORE OFTEN!!!!!!
Good things are going on. I will take some time to get it all written out.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Day 98

Today was "Mix Tape" tomorrow is the top of the ladder, Double Black Diamond.  Very nervous, but excited at the same time. I know I will have to modify, I just hope I don't have to modify from beginning to end.  

Today's fat burning time:

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Day 97

Today I did Strength Builder on my way to the top of the DDPYoga ladder (extreme NOT included).  The hip stretches feel great but are leaving me sore since they are all new to me. Tomorrow is Mix Tape, then the dreaded Double Black Diamond Monday.  Then a rest day. Then DBD again and back down the ladder.  I MIGHT have bit off a little more than I can chew with this personal challenge but isn't that the point of challenging yourself? To see how far you can push it? I keep amazing myself with what I can do compared to what I thought I would never be able to do!

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Day 95

Woke up this morning and got on the scale.  THREE more pounds down since day 90. Today was Diamond Cutter on my way up the DDPYoga ladder. Got 39 minutes of fat burning from that!!!! Tomorrow will be my first ever Stand Up. Looking forward to my arms and chest taking a break!!!!
I Am still loving DDPYoga and absolutely loving life!!!!!

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Day 93

Today I did Fat Burner.  I have decided that for the next week or so I will "ladder" all of the DDPYoga workouts, up to and INCLUDING Double Black Diamond!!!!
I fear it, SO I MUST DO IT!!!!
So starting on Day 92 I did Energy
Day 93 was Fat Burner
Tomorrow will be Below the Belt
Thursday will be Diamond Cutter!!!!!
Ever since Day 90 I have been struggling with motivation.  I mean I dropped 53 pounds in 90 days, time to take a break, right?  WRONG!!! When you start to think like that it is time to kick it up a notch, therefore "LADDER"!!!!!
If weight loss was easy, there would not be big people.  I am tired of being big, so I have to work hard, eat right, and stay on track.
How do I stay on track?
Well, when I am lacking motivation I will visit a couple of websites.
The most important one is  Frankly it is the best support group on the planet, BAR NONE, not even a face to face one.
Another is Youtube.  When I go to Youtube for motivation I look to a few people.  DDP, of course.  DDPYogaVsRob.  Ian Rogers.  Look these guys up.  We are all different levels of fittness but we are all in the same time line, so we seem to hit walls nearly at the same time.  

So, I have rambled a bunch, which I tend to do, so I will sum this up:
TO LOSE WEIGHT YOU MUST HAVE A SUPPORT GROUP.  It can be your family, friends, or people you have never met face to face, BUT YOU MUST HAVE SOMEONE TO TALK TO!!!!!

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Day 86: Counting down to 90!!!!!

Day 86: Today I did Energy in the morning, then Fat Burner and Red Hot Core with Brook. Feeling GREAT!!! Loving Life. 
Day 90 update video will be SATURDAY, not Friday as I said previously. Cannot wait to see my results!!!!! How much can one change in 90 days? Stay tuned to find out!!!!!!!

Friday, July 19, 2013

July 19th, 2013

Did below the belt after a rest day yesterday. Fifth day of "The Next Forty Days" cleaning eating challenge. A bit harder than I wanted it to be. But it's called a "challenge" not a "cake walk"!!!

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Day 58 ( round 2)

Was unable to count yesterday today is the real day 58.  Did energy with extreme dynamic resistance and planks in place of safety zone.  Rainy Day did not get to walk this evening.   Day 60 coming up soon!  

Monday, July 1, 2013

Day 58 on my Road to Fitness

Today I got up earlier than normal.  I woke up sore and stiff. We (Brook and I) had to pick up Jesse (our son) from my mother who meets us about half way between home and North Carolina.
After getting home I was still sore, but decided, screw it I will do the Fat Burner workout and be done for the day.  WELL. I get a couple minutes into Fat Burner and no matter how much Dynamic Resistance I put on the positions I could not get my heart rate into my Fat Burning Zone.  So I decided to add Energy at the end.  As I progress in the workout I finally get my rate up in that beautiful zone where the fat starts to melt off.  And I start OWNING IT!!!!  So I get to the part where it is time to cool down so I switch over to Energy and OWN IT!!
I got a total of 30 minutes of Fat Burning out of a session that I worried I would not get 10 minutes out of.
Today was a good day.

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Thanks for visiting my blog page.  
Videos Below to bring you up to date with my road to fitness.

Week 8 Update coming soon